Ampex Grand Master II - 1980
Professional Studio Quality Audio Cassette by Ampex Corporation. CA, USA.
Made in the USA, Redwood City, California, for the Canadian market and distributed by Ampex Canada. This just makes it rarer.
Sidenote: Recently someone alerted me that these tapes may suffer from "Sticky Shedding Syndrome" (SSS). I have not opened one of these up yet, therefore I have not tested them. It's a very appealing cassette to me, as it truly seems to scream high quality to me. On the other hand, I have sold a few and I have not received any complaints about them.
Note: Extremely small number available and it's just... RARE, although not priced that way! Similar rarities are priced much, much higher.
See Tony Villa's new video about this "Grand Master... Flash" ;) Ampex tape below! Released April 27, 2023.